
カワセ kawase コットン cotton カーリー curly
04.バドとラガール 04.Bud and Lagar 25.11 12th
05.ドングリころころ 05.Acorn Requisite 24.16 14th
06.ノーマとはじめての出会い 06.Meet Norma 22.80 13th
07.門番ふたり 07.The Gatekeepers 1.19.10 12th
08.食材あつめ 08.Not Enough Ingredients 45.40 17th 1.15.91 9th
09.キーンと腹ぺこカワセ 09.A Keen Observation 52.41 7th
10.ツルツル滑り台のその上に 10.On Top of the Slippery Slope 19.30 12th
11.レシピクエスト:テリヤキピザ 11.Recipe Quest: Teriyaki Pizza 41.76 12th 44.25 7th
13.ノーマへのお届け 13.The New Norma 7.18 16th 11.88 10th
14.街イチの技師 14.The Best Engineer in Town 1.26.16 13th
15.兵士長からの注文 15.Order From the Head Commander 1.01.20 12th 1.48.71 7th
16.キャンパーのコタロ 16.Kotaro the Camper 29.41 6th
17.レシピクエスト:魚介スープ 17.Recipe Quest: Seafood Soup 1.07.96 12th
18.レシピクエスト:チキンスープ 18.Recipe Quest: Chicken Soup 1.06.60 13th
19.レシピクエスト:ブタのスープ 19.Recipe Quest: Pork Soup 54.18 14th
20.庭師のビリー 20.Billy the Gardener 1.04.40 19th 55.70 15th 1.42.05 5th
21.サボタージュ① 21.Sabotage 1 18.58 6th
22.もうひとりの門番 22.the Other Guard 28.15 16th 31.21 5th
23.キャンパーの習わし 23.Campers'Customs 1.07.05 20th 1.00.45 11th 1.05.15 5th
24.流しのウデマエ 24.A New Menu Item 1.44.78 15th 1.28.66 4th
25.手違い 25.A Mistake 41.16 18th 42.50 5th
26.ハンバーガーのお届け① 26.The First One Is Free 48.65 16th 47.13 6th
27.ハンバーガーのお届け② 27.Early Adopters 43.85 15th 1.03.83 5th
28.辺境のキャンパー 28.Frontier Camper 1.41.96 15th 1.36.66 5th
29.レシピクエスト:ローストチキン&ポーク 29.Recipe Quest: Roast Chicken & Pork 2.18.30 15th 2.16.58 5th
30.メイド長のマギー 30.Maid of Honor 1.52.31 16th 3.14.13 5th
31.レシピクエスト:チキンバーガー 31.Recipe Quest: Chicken Burger 44.68 15th 1.47.06 6th
32.サボタージュ② 32.Sabotage 2 1.03.58 16th 1.30.90 5th
33.ラプラスの手紙 33.Laplus'Letter 2.23.30 10th 4.37.11 4th
34.ケンカするほど 34.Coming to Blows 1.11.63 16th 1.20.61 12th 1.46.16 4th
35.邂逅・天空城の主 35.Burger Queen 3.00.90 14th 5.12.16 4th
36.死闘! ビッグ・ピッグ 36.Boss Battle: Big Pig 26.70 9th
37.レシピクエスト:パンケーキ 37.Recipe Quest: Pancake 1.30.08 20th 1.07.90 10th 1.50.90 4th
38.街と深き穴 38.The Town and the Cavern Below 1.16.36 12th 1.59.16 4th
39.空からの落し物 39.An Item Fallen From the Sky 46.66 17th 36.58 5th
40.第3キャンプ 40.Campsite Number 3 1.53.28 20th 1.22.21 12th 1.45.98 4th
41.レシピクエスト:フィッシュバーガー 41.Recipe Quest: Fish Burger 2.34.56 20th 2.01.31 14th 2.37.90 4th
42.印の夢 42.A Symbol in a Dream 4.19.28 20th 2.09.03 13th 3.13.85 4th
43.レシピクエスト:バター焼き ホタテ&キノコ 43.Recipe Quest: Butter-Sauteed Scallops & Mushroom 2.01.40 11th 2.22.46 4th
44.穴の深くまで 44.Deep in the Cavern 2.07.33 20th 1.55.86 14th 2.10.43 4th
45.女王の依頼 45.The Queen's Request 1.23.08 13th 55.76 6th
46.悲鳴の主 46.Who Screamed? 21.91 16th
47.地図にない場所 47.A Place That's Not on the Map 1.49.45 15th 2.12.71 4th
48.Girl in the ruck. 48.Girl in the Backpack 57.50 14th 40.08 4th
49.トクベツな料理 49.The Silvy Special 2.46.50 16th 2.39.86 12th 2.47.38 4th
50.レンチの兄弟 50.Wrench's Lament 1.53.00 11th 1.36.20 12th 2.26.51 4th
51.ルシピアにハンバーガーを 51.A Hamburger for Lucipia 15.58 12th 17.61 5th
52.レシピクエスト:焼きイカ&焼き魚 52.Recipe Quest: Grilled Squid & Fish 48.01 13th 42.66 9th 49.15 4th
53.幽霊騒動 53.Ghost Story 44.23 7th
54.兄を探して三千里 54.The Lost Brother 46.05 10th 1.02.05 4th
55.地中から天空へ 55.From the Ground to the Sky 10.53.38 18th 6.27.50 11th 8.59.03 4th
56.ラプラスの手紙・リターンズ 56.Laplus'Letter Redux 3.50.66 16th 2.17.23 12th 4.28.63 4th
57.熱闘! カニンポス 57.Boss Battle: Crabpose 1.16.33 20th 38.00 11th
58.花びらに想いをのせて 58.Say It With Flowers 4.08.93 19th 1.46.08 17th 3.20.85 4th
59.キーンの宝物 59.Keen's Treasure 1.47.00 18th 1.40.45 15th 1.46.65 4th
60.招かれざる来訪者 60.Invasion From Below 40.56 18th 41.11 13th 42.78 4th
61.ルシピアをさがせ! 61.Rescue Lucipia! 3.16.90 15th 2.25.70 3rd
62.ただいま亭をめざして 62.Return to Hunnyeim Home 8.09.86 18th 4.16.38 12th 6.27.80 4th
63.女王様からプレゼント 63.A Present From the Queen 4.26.13 16th 2.05.21 11th
64.深き穴と天空城の秘密 64.The Seacret of the Cavern and the Castle 9.43.38 16th 6.51.93 9th
65.穴の底 65.Bottom of the Cavern 2.41.83 19th 2.08.21 13th
66.サボタージュ③ 66.Sabotage 3 1.08.80 14th
67.生きた証 67.Proof of Life 3.57.50 11th 2.13.31 10th
68.ホントのきもち 68.True Feelings 1.25.70 15th
69.レシピクエスト:フレンチトースト 69.Recipe Quest: French Toast 1.30.65 11th 1.50.38 12th
70.レシピクエスト:プリン 70.Recipe Quest: Flan 1.33.20 11th 1.07.98 10th
71.臆病な人、勇敢な人 71.Cowardly, or Courageous? 2.44.68 12th 3.08.25 13th
72.深層部からの依頼 72.The Letter From Beyond 20.08 20th
73.深き穴の奥底へ 73.To the Very Bottom 9.28.28 11th 8.59.11 12th
74.深層世界のお届け 74.Delivery to the Deep World 5.25.36 16th 4.00.36 4th
75.ただいま、おかえり 75.I'm Home 1.33.71 12th
どんぐりと針 Acorns and Needles 38.58 9th
キャンプ好きのネコ Camper Cat 24.00 7th
目覚めの世界地図 Eye-Opening World Map 13.07.46 11th
空の犬 Sky Dog 6.46.05 6th
天空に舞う綿毛 Dandelions Dancing in the Sky 2.23.03 5th
飛べないカバ Hippos Can't Fly 26.61 18th 51.28 5th
ボス:ビッグ・ピッグ Boss Battle: Big Pig 27.16 17th
どっちも大変! They're Both Hard! 15.07.55 4th
どっちが大変? Which Way is Harder? 40.08 5th
夢の中の空中散歩 Midair Stroll through a Dream 1.09.70 4th
ボス:カニンポス Boss Battle: Crabpose 36.28 12th
滝のような雨 Rain Like Waterfalls 2.56.18 3rd
ボス:ハリセンボン Boss Battle: Blowfish 24.11 4th
真夜中の運動会 Midnight Marathon 2.35.26 4th
深夜列車での旅 Midnight Train Adventure 53.23 6th 3.03.48 5th
ボス:ハラミ? Boss Battle: Harami? 2.17.66 9th
c01.コットン the いっくぽーん! c01.Cotton: Here I go! 42.16 14th
c02.空のコットン c02.Sky Cotton 1.38.88 17th 41.18 10th
c03.キャッチ・アンド・ゴー c03.Catch and Go 1.24.66 17th 54.28 12th
c04.クライム・コットン c04.Climb, Cotton, Climb 3.19.31 13th 1.57.20 10th
c05.地を駆けるコットン c05.Cotton Underground 4.41.08 17th 4.09.38 13th
c06.バスター・コットン c06.Buster Cotton 3.17.65 16th 2.22.91 14th
{01.最初の村 {01.The First Town 38.38 16th 50.41 10th
{02.あなたがカワセ? 1 {02.Are You Kawase? Part 1 1.35.96 10th 39.06 8th
{03.あなたがカワセ? 2 {03.Are You Kawase? Part 2 52.26 8th 55.38 8th
{04.中層物語 {04.Cavern Story 3.48.28 6th 3.47.18 7th
{05.壁の中の戦い {05.Battle in the Walls 1.36.20 11th 2.49.35 7th
{06.親しき仲にもXXあり {06.A Deeper Mystery 2.26.96 8th 1.39.43 5th
{07.あんたは!・・・え、誰? {07.You're... WHO? 1.32.55 20th
last update : 2020/05/26 00:33