新着記録100(New Record 100)

Input Date Name FIELD Time Rank Date Movie/Replay Comment
1/16 23:15:03 らむてが F21 -> END カニcrab 21.91 7 2025/01/16 22.11→21.91では順位変わらずかw steam
1/16 23:14:37 らむてが F21 -> END カニcrab 21.91 7 2025/01/16 22.11-21.91では順位変わらずかw steam
1/9 23:08:19 gori.sh F9 -> END おたまtadpole 1:23.28 9 2025/01/09 steam
1/6 04:44:50 Nordanix F45 -> F46 8.38 3 2025/01/05 YouTube A bit slow start but the rest was good! steam
1/5 05:09:58 Nordanix F0 -> F1 4.88 1 2025/01/04 YouTube Used Wakars new strat and finally surpassed Guterham! steam
1/2 03:12:12 Nordanix F53 -> F56 5.88 2 2025/01/01 YouTube I followed らむてがs strats and it worked! steam
12/30 23:25:44 gori.sh F59 -> F49 11.71 5 2024/12/30 最後めちゃめちゃムズい steam
12/27 00:12:37 らむてが F58 -> F44 4.53 5 2024/12/26 とんでもなく開幕苦手orz vita
12/22 22:54:54 gori.sh F58 -> F44 4.48 1 2024/12/22 なるほどニュートラルで落ちるのは先行入力のためなのか steam
12/22 22:54:43 gori.sh F58 -> F44 4.48 1 2024/12/22 なるほどニュートラルで落ちるのは先行入力のためなのか vita+steam
12/18 21:37:22 gori.sh F1 -> F2 6.63 10 2024/12/18 steam
12/12 23:07:45 gori.sh F56 -> F20 7.38 8 2024/12/12 1.98でトゲ死するともう今日はダメだってなる steam
12/6 00:08:07 らむてが F55 -> F39 8.30 7 2024/12/05 頂上の振り子はスピードいらないの?? steam
12/5 23:11:14 gori.sh F55 -> F39 8.55 12 2024/12/05 steam
11/28 23:11:11 gori.sh F54 -> F49 4.50 12 2024/11/28 steam
11/23 14:19:51 gori.sh F53 -> F56 5.95 5 2024/11/23 テッポウウオの背中に7.01まで飛び込めた steam
11/21 23:49:52 gori.sh F53 -> F56 5.95 5 2024/11/21 テッポウウオの背中に飛び込むのは7.18で限界 steam
11/21 23:16:58 らむてが F53 -> F56 5.88 2 2024/11/21 わあいさんに並んだ!! steam
11/14 23:06:11 gori.sh F52 -> F26 1.41 14 2024/11/14 steam
11/7 23:11:58 らむてが F51 -> F52 3.50 1 2024/11/07 並んだぞぉおお steam
10/24 22:00:41 gori.sh F50 -> F27 4.23 4 2024/10/24 steam
10/17 23:14:47 gori.sh F48 -> F59 8.98 8 2024/10/17 steam
10/10 23:27:14 らむてが F47 -> F48 5.26 5 2024/10/10 何年振りのロマン坂よ… steam
10/10 23:26:50 らむてが F47 -> F48 5.26 5 2024/10/10 UP! 何年振りのロマン坂よ… steam
10/10 23:13:11 gori.sh F47 -> F48 5.45 8 2024/10/10 steam
10/3 23:13:11 らむてが F45 -> F46 8.60 4 2024/10/03 上ルアーかかったけどコツが分からん!! steam
10/3 23:08:27 gori.sh F45 -> F46 10.60 12 2024/10/03 steam
9/14 20:16:13 gori.sh F42 -> F43 13.73 5 2024/09/14 ハシゴスルー、仕上がった! steam
9/12 23:29:49 らむてが F42 -> F43 14.23 7 2024/09/12 開幕ハシゴでは限界に近いと思われ steam
9/12 23:28:50 らむてが F42 -> F43 14.33 7 2024/09/12 やっと決まった~ vita
8/1 23:18:57 らむてが F39 -> F40 6.78 3 2024/08/01 UP! わートップまであと少しじゃーん steam
7/31 14:13:21 gori.sh F38 -> F47 上u 8.65 7 2024/07/31 steam
7/25 23:26:42 らむてが F38 -> F47 上u 8.61 6 2024/07/25 まだ伸びしろはあるが完走率が… steam
7/18 23:18:34 gori.sh F37 -> F38 11.85 7 2024/07/17 YouTube まだ行けそうなんだけどなぁ steam
7/18 23:18:10 らむてが F37 -> F38 11.63 4 2024/07/18 開幕の精度が悪くてしんどいっす steam
7/11 20:10:27 gori.sh F35 -> F36 9.16 6 2024/07/11 出来た出来た steam
7/4 23:14:16 らむてが F35 -> F36 8.65 4 2024/07/04 どじょうのところできるようになりました steam
7/4 23:06:57 gori.sh F35 -> F36 9.71 6 2024/07/04 トランポリンで垂直ルアーだと9.78 steam
6/27 23:09:15 gori.sh F34 -> END ふぐblowfish 8.13 9 2024/06/27 UP! steam
6/6 23:19:56 らむてが F32 -> F33 8.55 5 2024/06/06 0.01だけど更新です steam
6/6 23:09:22 gori.sh F32 -> F33 8.58 6 2024/06/06 工夫の余地がありそうで無い steam
5/16 23:02:58 gori.sh F29 -> F19 右r 13.65 7 2024/05/16 steam
5/12 20:29:46 Nordanix F9 -> END おたまtadpole 1:22.41 3 2024/05/12 YouTube I finally got the Tadpole to not hit the edge at the end! steam
5/12 00:14:22 gori.sh F22 -> F23 5.08 5 2024/05/12 YouTube youtubeは最速でよじ登る形の5.23 steam
5/11 20:34:34 Nordanix F22 -> F23 5.10 6 2024/05/11 YouTube I got the Ledge Skip and with good speed! Finally after so long I did it! steam
5/9 23:38:12 Nordanix F10 -> F11 4.56 3 2024/05/09 YouTube Using Lure Break is pretty good. Maybe a few frames left to save. steam
5/9 23:11:28 らむてが F29 -> F57 左l 11.18 7 2024/05/09 あまり良いタイム出ず、これ一発だけだったなぁw steam
5/9 06:40:20 Nordanix F10 -> F11 4.63 3 2024/05/08 YouTube I am so happy to finally get this skip! Now I need to get a clean ending swing! steam
4/21 22:31:43 gori.sh F29 -> F19 右r 15.41 7 2024/04/21 steam
4/16 23:05:42 gori.sh F29 -> F57 左l 11.11 4 2024/04/16 開幕は右歩き、はしご使用。 steam
4/11 23:11:07 gori.sh F28 -> F29 8.66 11 2024/04/11 steam
3/28 23:17:27 gori.sh F25 -> F50 8.01 6 2024/03/28 steam
3/27 20:29:56 gori.sh F25 -> F50 8.11 6 2024/03/27 steam
3/27 00:28:22 gori.sh F25 -> F50 8.33 6 2024/03/27 steam
3/21 23:54:25 gori.sh F25 -> F50 8.38 6 2024/03/21 steam
3/21 23:20:39 らむてが F24 -> F35 右r 4.73 7 2024/03/21 令和に更新できるとは思わなかったpart2 steam
3/7 23:05:22 gori.sh F22 -> F23 5.15 5 2024/03/07 YouTube youtubeは最速でよじ登る形の5.23 steam
2/29 22:42:57 gori.sh F20 -> F37 下b 14.85 7 2024/02/29 最後のヨジノボリを消す旅が終わった steam
2/22 22:56:11 gori.sh F20 -> F21 上u 12.75 6 2024/02/22 YouTube steam
2/22 21:58:06 gori.sh F20 -> F21 上u 13.88 6 2024/02/22 YouTube 動画(14.00)と同じルート steam
2/11 17:01:21 gori.sh F20 -> F21 上u 13.95 6 2024/02/11 YouTube UP! 動画(14.00)と同じルート steam
2/11 16:08:44 gori.sh F19 -> F53 8.46 10 2024/02/11 YouTube UP! 序盤はよじ登りの遅ルート。中盤の振り子をひとつ垂直登りに。終盤のルアーブレーキは失敗。 steam
12/28 23:07:17 らむてが F14 -> F15 5.01 6 2023/12/28 ホタテが薄い…! steam
12/22 08:54:45 らむてが F12 -> F51 左l 6.56 4 2023/12/14 令和に更新できるとは思わなかった steam
12/17 22:40:16 らむてが F12 -> F51 左l 6.56 2023/12/14 steam
11/24 23:12:58 gori.sh F0 -> F11 左上ul 7.95 6 2023/11/24 左ルートですよ! steam
11/24 22:16:22 gori.sh F8 -> F9 5.21 6 2023/11/24 YouTube 旧ルートは5.46まで? steam
11/24 22:16:11 gori.sh F8 -> F9 5.21 6 2023/11/24 YouTube 旧ルートは5.46まで? vita
10/21 16:45:11 gori.sh F57 -> F30 6.25 4 2023/10/21 YouTube 最後はよじ登り steam
10/15 00:13:25 gori.sh F24 -> F35 右r 4.70 5 2023/10/15 YouTube steam
10/13 22:33:41 gori.sh F3 -> F4 5.91 4 2023/10/13 steam
10/13 00:28:59 gori.sh F1 -> F2 6.73 10 2023/10/12 steam
4/28 21:34:54 Ico S -> F34 ふぐblowfish 2:56.08 3 2021/04/28 YouTube Solid run with no big mistakes! steam
4/17 20:56:18 Ico S -> F49 おたま2tadpole2 4:26.96 2 2021/04/17 YouTube Slow F20 but I am still happy with this time! steam
4/17 20:55:31 Ico S -> F49 おたま2tadpole2 4:26.96 2 2021/04/17 YouTube Slow F20 other than that I am happy with it! steam
4/17 20:54:56 Ico S -> F49 おたま2tadpole2 4:26.96 2 2021/04/17 YouTube Slow F20 other than that Im happy with it! steam
4/12 21:32:29 Ico S -> F46 トゲカニneedle-crab 3:11.35 3 2021/04/12 YouTube steam
4/8 21:41:00 Nordanix S -> F46 トゲカニneedle-crab 3:01.10 1 2021/04/08 YouTube I GOT MY FIRST ENDING WORLD RECORD!!! steam
4/7 02:02:23 Nordanix S -> F46 トゲカニneedle-crab 3:02.33 1 2021/04/06 YouTube I am so close to the WR! I will get it no matter what. steam
4/6 22:14:40 Nordanix S -> F46 トゲカニneedle-crab 3:09.25 1 2021/04/06 YouTube I lost 7.90s in F53 due to a death. I will get the record soon! steam
4/4 17:10:03 Nordanix F8 -> F9 5.18 4 2021/04/04 YouTube After over a year I finally got an improvement! steam
4/2 21:23:04 Nordanix F30 -> F31 7.28 3 2021/04/02 YouTube I now need to learn the WR strats to improve. steam
4/1 23:10:51 Nordanix F30 -> F31 7.30 3 2021/04/01 YouTube I am not happy until I get 7.28. steam
4/1 23:09:46 Nordanix F49 -> END おたま2tadpole2 1:34.48 3 2021/04/01 YouTube I need to learn Phase 2 WR strats now. steam
3/31 21:26:47 Nordanix F14 -> F15 4.90 1 2021/03/31 YouTube I TOLD YOU I WOULD GET IT!!! steam
3/30 22:05:31 Nordanix F14 -> F15 4.91 1 2021/03/30 YouTube I am so close to the record. I will get it eventually! steam
3/29 21:51:06 Nordanix F41 -> F58 5.65 2 2021/03/29 YouTube Yes! I finally got an improvement. steam
3/29 01:01:43 Nordanix F5 -> F6 4.10 1 2021/03/28 YouTube THE GRINDING PAID OFF!!! steam
3/4 02:42:32 Nordanix F36 -> F37 10.20 3 2021/03/03 YouTube I finally got the top route! steam
3/3 23:43:38 Nordanix F42 -> F43 12.98 2 2021/03/03 YouTube I need to optimize jumping earlier after ice bounce. steam
3/2 22:28:36 Nordanix F46 -> END トゲカニneedle-crab 25.28 5 2021/03/02 YouTube No major flaws. I now need to perfect movement! steam
2/21 18:36:15 Nordanix F38 -> F41 左l 4.85 1 2021/02/21 YouTube I CANNOT BELIEVE I ACTUALLY GOT THIS ONE!!! steam
2/20 22:00:50 Nordanix F51 -> F52 3.50 1 2021/02/20 YouTube I FINALLY GOT THIS ONE AFTER SO LONG!!! steam
2/18 22:48:54 Nordanix F19 -> F53 6.38 1 2021/02/18 YouTube SUPER SMOOTH MOVEMENT!!! steam
1/31 23:20:20 Nordanix F34 -> END ふぐblowfish 6.10 2 2021/01/31 YouTube This would have been a 6.00 but I messed up the ending. I will not give up!!! steam
1/17 22:46:17 Nordanix F9 -> END おたまtadpole 1:22.85 3 2021/01/17 YouTube I learned the WR strat but the ending is not that great! steam
1/16 22:48:22 Nordanix F23 -> F24 5.73 1 2021/01/16 YouTube STARTING OF THE NEW YEAR WITH NEW RECORDS!!! steam
1/16 01:58:50 Nordanix F6 -> F7 3.20 3 2021/01/15 YouTube Thanks to らむてが for his jumpless starting strat! steam
1/14 02:33:47 Nordanix F5 -> F6 4.13 1 2021/01/13 YouTube I am starting to understand the WR start now! steam
12/29 02:56:01 Nordanix F31 -> F32 7.80 1 2020/12/28 YouTube YOU LOVE TO SEE IT!!! steam

さよなら海腹川背ちらり タイムアタック登録板
Sayonara UmiharaKawase + TimeAttack Board
PS vita & steam & android
Webmaster:gori.sh ( aoki@gori.sh / @gori_sh )
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